Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola dr. Václava
Šmejkala, Ústí nad Labem, příspěvková
Gymnázium a Střední odborná škola dr. Václava Šmejkala (Grammar School and Vocational College of Dr. Václav Šmejkal) is situated in Ústí nad Labem, about 100 km north of the capital city of Prague. It consists of two parts - the grammar school provides general education to students at the ages of 11 - 19 and is a solid background for further university education. The vocational college provides education in the fields of Applied Chemistry and Public Administration. The school has had 886 pupils in the school year 2018/2019 and 74 members of staff, including three teachers ́assistants. The school resides in two buildings and has modern equipment and up-to-date IT technology. The school roofs 40 classrooms, 6 ICT classrooms, 4 gymnasiums, 4 chemical labs, 2 studens assembly halls. The project team will consist of people with key skills and expertise,
important both to project management and implementation. Project managements staff will be realized through a project manager (overall supervision of the project and accountability for delivering the required project outcomes) and project coordinator (administration duties, documentation maintenance, reports, monitoring and tracking project progress, schedule supervision and task fulfillment). We intend to involve an IT specialist to supervise the use of digital technologies. The teachers at school are qualified educators with years of practice and great motivation to improve their teaching skills and adopt new experience. The teachers at the school have been introduced to the challenge of taking their pupils through the system of state school leaving exam (“maturita” or Abitur), due to which most have had education and schooling to adapt to the system and understand the goals. The school ́s motivation is to join in with a creative project, which covers both the pupils ́mother tongue as well as English. Our pupils have shown interest in creative writing, critical thinking and have frequently been active in competitions, projects and team cooperation on regional as well as national levels.