A song as true as the love a child feels
could be harsh, would cause pain,
hence I'd like to eschew sounding vain.
A true poem with missing bits
may be appreciated more by misfits.
A song about how I struggle,
how my worries I endure,
How I overcome the panic
of the teachers having a new name-calling tactic.
When at school, success seems merely a reverie,
Not sleeping enough is a dark cloud above me.
At 11 o'clock a hunger tears from within,
having no food is what every pupil is interested in.
To end this chaos resembling Hunger Games
we have to attend a lesson about cell-bounding membranes.
Being in the freezing cold of the lowest floor
is truly an exiled's petrifying path for sure.
The music playing in the longer breaks took me in completely,
it felt as if I was at home, only for it to be
no more than a sweet, slowly fading memory -
it's replaced by silence.
Indeed, those at home have got no clue
how lucky they are for not going through
any of this sorrow. Regardless,
no student is fearless,
nor careless enough,
nor in heart truly tough
to miss many days of education.
No-one wants to cause elaboration
in their own lives. And yet,
Anyone could still bet
I feel a longing to be here,
school seems so sincere,
serene, but exciting, full of
opportunities to learn what you love.
- Lékó Eszter